Monday, September 3, 2012

Peaceful South Central

I'm not a man. Not considered one in the culture of my home. I'm not aggressive. I respect women and men.  I resort to words before my fist and that leads my society to view me as having lower masculinity.
I have those nights of deep thought. Typically torture of the heart attributed to some girl. I'm like a Roger Healey that way but I've never traveled the stars. On these nights when I must think, occupied with any variety of philosophical questions, I find it comforting to ride my castor board. The board glides over pavement with ease and takes little energy. It is an experience often compared to surfing.  It's smooth. It's peaceful. Being propelled by movements of my hips, it's the sort of leisurely activity that causes me to want to want to listen to A Tribe Called Quest. 
I skate around thoughtful but not mindful. I'm aimless but not lost. An hour in I see five young Black men. Boys my age and of the same diaspora. When I'm in the hood I always skate and never walk. Being on foot is for chumps. These boys were facing my way. We could have simply been passers by in a moonless night. But one diverged to the left of the others and when I sought to use the space he left empty to pass, he pushed me down. They were silent while forcing their bodies into intimidating poses. I don't bang. I got back on my board and skated hard. I sensed their puzzlement. I knew the leader, the one who pushed me, thought to run after. Just for a moment. But I wasn't a conquest for him. I wasn't and opposing male. Just some bitch nigga. He wouldn't gain status by lording over me. 
So I skated hard 'till I could perceive their red and black shirts only as I would perceive a lady bug's. I skated back crying. Like I always do when shit goes down. Because I'm sheltered. And I don't believe in that.

Maasai Mohandas Singleton
~ The Soft Spoken Rapper

Friday, July 27, 2012

Raps and Cartoons: Bakshi and the Warrior

I don’t have many favorites. I don’t have a favorite rapper, I don’t have a favorite actor, I don’t have a favorite football team; I am not a Christian – I don’t have a favorite god. I do, however, have a favorite animator: Ralph Bakshi. The man chiefly responsible for such features as Fritz the Cat, Wizards, American Pop, Heavy Traffic, and Coonskin. While I was lying in bed, a few days ago, thinking about Bakshi, a thought went through my head: we are hella fucking similar. Check it:

An ordering of the similarities between Ralph Bakshi and Maasai "Warrior" Singleton:

-Both are frequently misunderstood 
Both convey messages that are commonly misunderstood by people who do not take the time to observe and understand their art. Conservative people find sex and profanity in Bakshi films over the top and have almost no chance of understanding while being offended. People with little exposure to Hip-Hop will associate Maasai Warrior with a detrimental culture they dislike and never hear my songs.

-Both have a love of comics that began in childhood
Bakshi has said that he originally had the dream of becoming a comic strip cartoonist. When he was a child growing up in Brooklyn, he would forage through garbage in search of comics. When I was a kid, I would routinely lock myself in the closet to read 80’s Marvel comics scored cheaply at garage sales, thinking the exposure would prepare me to be a better writer.

-Both grew up surrounded by cultures outside their own
When Bakshi was nine, he lived in an all Black neighborhood in Washington D.C.  and, attending the local school, was the only white child in a sea of brown faces. When I was nine I was the single Black child in my own school. Bakshi has been quoted as saying “All my friends were black, everyone we did business with was black, the school across the street was black. It was segregated, so everything was black. I went to see black movies; black girls sat on my lap. I went to black parties. I was another black kid on the block. No problem!"  The difference, of course, was that I had problems.

-Both are interested in social criticism
For Bakshi, examples would include the hypocrisy of Fritz the Cat, or the depiction of urban Black life in Coonskin(and everything else). For Maasai Warrior, it would be the three songs I've done relating to child abuse, or the ones I've written about bullying or perhaps even "Teddiursa", the song about the detrimental effects of mainstream ideas of female body image.

-Both make use of parody of pop culture characters
Bakshi is known to have short cameos for Disney characters in his features. A prime example would be Mickey, Daisy, and Daffy’s silhouettes which are seen atop a skyscraper cheering on the US Air Force as Harlem is bombed in Fritz the Cat. A Maasai Warrior example might be “Cartoon Hero’s” or “PedoBat” a song appearing on the album, which releases tomorrow, about combatting Batman having found him in the process of sexually abusing one of his Robbins. 

-Both speak up about real world problems through fantasy.
Bakshi’s Wizards, simply put, is a story about the destructive power of technology and the influence of propaganda. Maasai’s (upcoming) Moon Bitch is about low self esteem - looking at it through the eyes of a God’s avatar, seeing himself as merely a pawn.

-I can't describe this one
Bakshi has said, "Ghettos for other people are all prisons, places to escape from but that wasn't it for me so many beautiful things in Brownesville-freedom". During my four years of boarding school, the first order of business upon return to Los Angeles has always been a skate down the hill and around Crenshaw. Next year: The University of South Central.

-Both are indie artists
We enjoy what we do and a lot of people don’t know who the fuck we are. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Freed Mind and Creations Follow: Teamwork in Hip-Hop

I am exceedingly wealthy – in knowledge compared to many others my age; in friendships because I have friends I’ve grown to call brothers; and in hair because I haven’t cut mine since last August. So despite the fact that I am a poor, unemployed USC film student, I do have a few things going for me. One of those things that I am very grateful for is my freedom to create. You see, I only did decently in school because I enjoyed most of my courses, I’ve never felt the need to prove myself by cramming words and numbers into my head, reiterating them, and then forgetting and repeating the process. Most of my merit, I suppose, comes from my spirituality (Mother Earth guide me!) and my ability to write. This August I start at the University of Southern California as a major in Writing for the Screen and Television. Writing is my passion; I am also drawn to create comics (Somebody needs to do something about this Moon Knight problem), Video Games, and, as you probably know from reading this particular blog, raps.
Now I’ve talked before about the Prejudice of music (and got trolled up the ass on Nerdcore Now), how one will consider the fact that a song has vocal percussion incorporated and immediately categorize the artist with ones they already know like 50 Cent who just did the Youporn theme song (Haven’t heard it yet; I always get sidetracked) or Souljaboy (Don’t beat me up. I have no grasp on what’s popular these days outside of One Direction -_- ). But when I write percussion, my music sounds nothing like theirs because our souls are very different. I – for one – accept women and men as equal beings and have never exploited steatopygous females in my music videos (Not just because I have yet to do one.) to distract from the lack of literacy apparent in my words.  I was surprised and disturbed when my  father told me he wouldn't have trouble with me writing songs about “Beat[ing] the pussy up up up up up up…”… you get the drift. The fact is I think ones music should be seen as art and an expression of oneself and the music of many artists shows me – quite frankly – that I don’t want them in my life or in the lives of my little sisters.
You see I am also vastly wealthy in ability to create because of my partner in geek, Keify K.
I met Keith Kilgore through Kilgore Gardner, a friend of a friend. Gardner had been showing me instrumentals of various hip-hop artist he had known and worked with and many didn’t fit (I heard a few of those so-gangster-it-can-only-be-popular-in-the-forgotten-and-abused-urban-neighborhood-it’s-from type beats and you know me; I don’t quite fit the gangster rap bill). But one of the beats he sent me caught my attention. It was smooth and funky and had a sample from the Hanna and Barbara cartoon the Jetsons (writing this now, I’m wondering why we never used that jam). I knew this couldn’t be your average beat junkie. And it wasn’t. This guy was cool. Like mad kool. He was fresh, had fun with the music, liked to experiment. (He took a break before doing the last two songs of Nerdgasm to play with crunk music and when he came back he’d learned something, “Hey Hey HEY!!) I told him about Nerdcore and gave him youtube links for some of my favorite artist. He said he really dug Megaran and so that meant he was studying K-murdock.
The short of it is that Keify-K is the other half of what makes Maasai Warrior possible. His programming has a rhythm that beats with my spirit and I have one hundred percent confidence going into a project that all I will have to worry about is my own part. And here’s the key: that’s why I can be me to the fullest extent. Keith’s beats fit the Warrior's style and his excellence leaves the Warrior to write, leaves the Shaman to conjure. In creating this next album, there were several songs that I put time in researching to create (I won’t give ALL the topics away here). 
Because I had no job this summer, I was freed up to watch Dateline and think about the murders and examine my philosophy. I saw the story of Etan Patz and was introduced to the idea of that change in American consciousness- you know how kids used to play in the streets and go to the mall alone at age ten but then that stopped because Americans were like “Oh shit, Pedophiles? They’re real”?  And they don’t all act like Humpert Humpert.
Well I wanted to do a song about that change in collective consciousness and I was told, by a more senior person that the case of Adam Walsh, son of the host of Americas Most Wanted, was more well known. I’ll tell you that the song came out in a way that made me proud but I won’t yet decipher for you the subtleties and the meaning behind it (You’ll have to download it in about a month. What? You don’t like free shit?). The point is I spent time researching that case; I saw the bio on Bio(that’s a channel right?) about Adams father, John Walsh, found out there was a 1983 made-for-tv-movie about the kidnapping, downloaded and watched it, read on the history of Pedophilia, read about it as a paraphilia, read about Ottis Toole the man who claimed to have been responsible (I’m still not sure.), found out that he was not, in fact, a pedophile and killed at LEAST one-hundred-and-seven other people in the company of his bearded lover whom he met in a Jacksonville soup kitchen and that, in prison, they admitted to a number of murders eventually exceeding six hundred. Then I wrote a song about it (Don’t worry there are happy songs and even some romance on “Shaman” too… oh shit did I just give out the name of the album?)
 The point is Keith is a dope producer and I’m a [Insert perceived level of skill here] writer and his taking over in his area of expertise frees me up to explore and be better at my own. So I have time to write more words than “Life sentence is enough nough nough nough nough...”

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Went sailing with Nas on my Dad's boat. He's an introvert. Which is further proof that no one who is constantly talking has much of worth to say and those who sit and watch are the Uatus of this universe.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


For those of you who don't know me, my name is Maasai Mohandas Singleton. I was born on April 3rd 1994, easter morning at about 3, to parents John Daniel Singleton and Vestria Denay Barlow. The names Maasai and Mohandas were given to me with the hope that they would bless me to be a peaceful warrior. I grew up with that. Now I'm the soft-spoken rapper.

I'm a nerd. It's who I am and always have been. But I'm Black so growing up in the private schools I've been too, that makes me even more out of place. If you want to know more about me, about my ideals, about my soul, listen to my first album.
It's free of course; I'm going to USC film school; I rap for fun. Check out Nerdgasm and share it with friends. I make music to express the uncensored me and reach out to those with common sentiments. WarrWatchers know that Darth [MC] Maasai Warrior's fans are his friends.

You may have noticed that the few post before this were all posted on the same day. Actually they were copied from my tumblr xD. Don't think however that this blog is in any way temporary. I will continue to write about things that interest and concern me both related to and unrelated to hip-hop and nerdcore. Like my first article, "Prejudice of Music" the later ones may spark disagreement but if that is the case, as always I hope they spark discussion- not the random flailing of insults blindly and ignorantly.

In any case follow me へ_へ I'll try to do my best to make your life better and I hope to share peace with you. ね? 和が僕の一番大事な価値観。Peace is important.

Life is only the beta
-Maasai M. Singleton

Prejudice of Music

            Last night at the battle of the bands at the Thatcher School, I was the only Black man to preform. As it was my first time doing a show as a Nerdcore hip-hop artist, I was anxious. One of the things that stood out to me was that I was receiving dirty looks regularly from white nerds who were judging me based on my brown skin and fabulously curly hair. It was truly hurtful to see guys, with skinny arms and bottle lens glasses who looked like they’d never been laid, treating me, a true believer who should be their friend, as a threat for such petty reasons. Nerds shouldn’t be racist. That’s just stupid. 
            Recently I’ve been thinking about what it means to be hip-hop and I’ve concluded that hip-hop is a soul that the music has. Flying Lotus and Dub FX are often hip-hop even with out rapping. I feel hip-hop is the most versatile musical genre because it takes from all others. In my song “Just a Gigolo” on the last album, I had Keith sample the 1929 Italian opera song, “Just a Gigolo”. Hip-hop can take on any form melodically and it adds the unending possibilities of the spoken word. Too many rappers are not writers and that is where pop music and singles that spout ideals detrimental to the health of people and cultures derive from: crap rappers don’t read and can hardly write. 
            So, because it can take on any form musically, I’ve always thought that people who do not like hip-hop must feel negatively about it because of the subject matter they regularly hear. They hear misogyny, infidelity, drunkenness, and ignorance and after hearing those associated with “hip-hop”, for so long, come to think thats what hip-hop actually is. These non-writer rappers are why there exist a genre called “rap” aside from hip-hop. It’s “total chaos; no - mass confusion.” 
But, truly, it seems I was wrong; there ARE people that dislike music simply for the fact that vocal percussion is incorporated. Take yesterday for example. 
            I performed “Spiderman” my song about a child who grows up reading comics and aspiring to vigilanteism and later as an adult meets human beings who experienced dramatic events in their childhoods, who were in need of a hero at the time when he was leisurely reading Marvel Team Up on his race-car bed. The boy, a man by the end of the third verse, comes to the conclusion that he, as a man, shares the same responsibility as Peter Parker even with out having been given the same power. He realizes that it is every human being’s duty to help and protect other sentient beings whenever they have the opportunity. 
            Of the four judges I got two eights and a nine. The last judge who, through-out the night had been making offensive comments about Chinese, simply said, ” While I appreciate the change of pace, I can’t give you more than a six”. In his next Chinese joke, he managed to incorporate the Buddha. So he insulted a sixteenth of my blood, my religion, and my love, hip-hop. Another interesting fact is that I was the only Black man to preform that night and this judge and I were the darkest skinned humans on stage… all night. 
            It seems even when a vocal percussionist (rapper) is positive, there will be people who shy away from hearing his words simply because they are rapped. This hurts me but I want peace. I make music to tell stories, to share love, and to ease my soul. I feel sorry for those who are phobic of drum rolls. May the force be with you, ever and always. 
- Darth [MC] Maasai Warrior the Fanboii Prime the Pooh
Ah life. USC film school and 18 years old all in one week. And this was my cake :p

Best baby sister, ever. ^_^


My dreams are laid before me me. From film, I transition into, cartoons, video games, and comic books, voice acting in animation and voice acting in my raps…. My mom say’s I was smaller than I remember when I started voicing these dreams. I remember my pops would force me to watch classic films and I would lock myself in the closet and force myself to read classic comics. Wrote my first comic script about Moon Knight… I’m not fond of what they’ve done. He doesn’t belong on the west coast producing TV… But whatever. Point is I’m doing what I love!!! (and doing it well)